A novel approach to implant screw-retained restorations: adhesive combination between zirconia frameworks and monolithic lithium disilicate

Giacomo Fabbri, Roberto Sorrentino, Myra Brennan, Antonio Cerutti

The use of zirconia is an esthetic alternative to metal for implant-supported frameworks, and it has increased primarily for its high biocompatibility, low bacterial surface adhesion, high flexural strength and high mechanical features. The zirconia frameworks in fixed prosthetic restorations that are supported by implants is commonly covered with hand-layered overlay porcelain. This technical procedure is highly esthetic but it can cause some complications, such as porcelain fractures. The purpose of this article is to introduce an innovative approach to create an esthetic fixed ceramic implant restoration to minimize and facilitate the repair of the mechanical complications, by combining the adhesive-cementation of lithium disilicate full coverage restorations on implant screw-retained zirconia frameworks.

PMID: 25289384